There were five of us. Lightning, Ophelia, Kirina, Lilith, and me. We had become closer in the past months than any other group of friends could. Technically, the only one that wasn't a sibling was Lilith. However, she was like a sister to all of us.
In short, we had become a family. But, there hasn't been a family in history that didn't go through loss.
We were all afraid to die. That much is true. However, we knew it was for the good of the people. If we didn't, nobody would. And we had all changed since that day when Lilith and I had received our assignment. We weren't killers anymore; we wanted to save lives, not take them.
We had to die. If we didn't, the world would end.
Death was the only way to atone for our sins.
* * *
“So,” Kirina said as we hid behind a building in Washington, D.C. “How do we do this thing?”
“We'll have to weaken them,” I said. “We need our powers. The only one who doesn't is Lilith, since she's normal. Once that's done, we join hands, and concentrate. I brought the Orb from the sewers, I collected it from my apartment, and hid it just before Louise kidnapped me. I'll need to smash it. Then, we kill them, and we die.”
“Sounds easy enough,” Ophelia said. “Let's go.”
We ran out. I had stolen two shot-revolvers, and as soon as we were out there, I immediately began shooting Miriam/Louise. The others were slicing them, shooting them, or throwing broken glass and knives at them. They were shooting fireballs at us.
They were also talking.
“Good, you're going to complete what you set out to do,” they said, in the creepiest voice I've ever heard. “Please, we have no control. We're tortured. You must put us out of our misery.”
“If you're tortured,” I began, “why did you do it?”
“We didn't know,” they replied. “We thought it would just give us more power. We didn't know that, since we didn't have powers, we would lose control.”
I shot them, and they flew back and hit a wall.
“Now!” I said, and we all joined hands.
I took out the Orb, threw it up in the air, and shot it with my gun.
* * *
I don't remember what happened next.
The last thing I remember is standing, exhausted, in front of the dead bodies of Miriam and Louise, who looked exactly alike. I felt something slowly creeping up my leg. I turned around to look at the others, and they were all exhausted. However, they were smiling, and Lightning gave a thumbs up. They were all slowly turning to stone, starting with their legs, and creeping up their bodies. I looked down, and saw that the same thing was happening to me. I looked around, and could see that we were no longer in the same place we had started. There was smoke and fire in the distance, and I could tell that the city had taken some major damage.
And then, it occurred to me why Louise had come back to life, while none of our other victims had. I don't know why, but that's what I thought about. She had died because Kirina had sent somebody to kill her, meaning it was our existence that got her killed. Everyone else would have died anyway, just by other assassins.
However, that wasn't my final thought. My final thought was:
I, Chaos, the unbeatable Chaos, the unbroken Chaos, have not lost. Yes, I am dying, but it was my choice. And I will never regret it.
And, for the rest of eternity, I never regretted my death even once.
Our bodies completely turned to stone, and people finally realizing what had happened, we died; however, we will always be together as statues.
And so ends the story of The Unbroken Chaos.
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