As Lillith, Kirina, Ophelia, Lightning, and I walked towards what we could now see was a city, I got my first look at Lightning. He had brown hair that reached his neck. He had brown eyes. He was wearing a Catholic school uniform, which confused me, since he hadn't gone to school in a long time.
Nobody had spoken since we had started walking, so I decided to say something.
"What do you guys think we're going to find once we get there?" I asked.
"Something or someone that want's to kill us," Lillith said.
"Why do you think that?" I asked her.
"Because that's happened a lot lately," she replied.
After that I stopped talking.
It took us three hours to arrive at the city.
* * *
"They're here," Julius said. "Should we greet them?"
"Yes," Tequa replied. "It's been a long journey. They deserve an explanation. We'll answer any questions they might have."
* * *
The five of us walked through the streets of a desolate, run-down city. It looked like New Chicago would if nobody had lived there in two hundred years.
We walked for around ten minutes before finally coming to a building with power.
"Should we go in?" I asked the others.
"Sure," Kirina said.
"Okay," Lillith said.
"I don't see why not," Ophelia said.
The five of us approached the building, and I pushed the door open.
Inside, there was a single overhead light on. standing under it were three...things. They looked like nothing I had ever seen before; they had horns and claws, their skin was completely white, their eyes were completely black, and their arms and legs were unproportional to the rest of their bodies.
"Hello," the middle one said. "My name is Tequa."
"I am Julius," the one on the left said.
"I am Karinda," the one on the right said.
"What are you?" I asked, choosing my words carefully.
"We are your creators," Tequa replied. "You were all given to parents we thought would raise you to fulfill your mission."
"Which was...?" I said.
"You are to bring about the end of the world," Tequa said. "It is what you were created for. I have to say, you are better fit for this job than I expected. You took out Louise even faster than I would have thought possible."
"You were watching us?" Kirina said.
"Yes," Julius replied. "We had to make sure you were good enough, or we would have had to destroy you."
I was silent.
"Well," I said. "We won't destroy the Earth. It's our home."
"You don't have a choice," Karinda said. "You have been chosen. No matter what, you will end the world."
"What if we all kill ourselves?" Lillith asked.
"It will happen anyway," Tequa replied. "You don't seem to understand. You are ending the world no matter what you do. It's your destiny."
"Unless we kill you first," I said.
All five of us got into a battle stance. I used my telekinesis to throw Tequa at a wall. Lillith had taken out her guns and was shooting Julius and Karinda. Kirina had grabbed an antique-looking sword and was attacking Kirinda. Lightning had broken a table and was using the legs on Julius. And Ophelia was heating up the air around all of them.
They were taken off guard, but once they regained themselves, they began attacking us. Julius hit Ophelia and Lillith to the right, and they were knocked unconscious. Karinda threw Kirina and Lightning on the ground. And Tequa picked me up.
"You cannot kill us," the demon said. "We live forever."
Then, I was thrown on the ground.
"Lightning," I yelled. "Make a portal. I'll get Ophelia and Lillith. Lightning opened a portal to Earth. I picked up Ophelia and Lillith as I ran towards it, and we were all out of it within seconds.
"Eight days until the world ends," Tequa said as Lightning closed the portal to Hell.
To Be Continued
March 13.
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